The Crimean Snore

Plus ça change motherfuckers, Poetry, The Life of the Mind, War and Politics

I’m not sure how many schools prepare students for this kind of love.”

David Brooks

Again this morning news out of Ukraine,
revanchist Russia shoots down helicopters
and NATO loads its fearsome teleprompters
—we’ve been here before—we’ll be here again.
The world is fucked, but in its rubble and pain
ordinary people find the time
for family, sex and music, petty crime
—for love and death and staying entertained.
There are great loves, and there are great books;
let’s not deny the world its poetry,
but let’s not pretend the world is aging past
some youth—passion moderated, looks
declining, romance gone, because some twee
old journalist got his divorce at last.

9 thoughts on “The Crimean Snore

  1. I can’t tell whether Brooks has no inkling that Berlin and Akhmatova were aristocrats, or he thinks everyone is.

  2. I’m picturing Bobo and Bill O’Reilly in that scene. Why do I keep clicking these links when I know I will be sorry?

  3. like the first snow flak e of this spring above .. i too say ..rock in g ,of sonnet, no need to click on links ,jacob tells all .. . , said un aging ..passing

  4. Well isn’t that just like the snobby elitist Ashkenazi you are. Why, I bet that even on your Italian side you hail back to somewhere like Milan, not,heaven forfend, Naples or Calabria.

    But that’s OK. There are still Jews with a deep and abiding love for Mother Russia, no matter how badly she has treated them over the years.

    1. david, (i’ve been assuming eer’ ? ) , jacob’s so so laid back elitist snobbery is his charm .., the how laid back .. . , a man that can love both bach and be overly sentimental about laid back americana in an extreme way , that is his charm , no i haven’t read the book ,can’t reach,lath, just davidly’s review, / and he is mostly jewish, just a little ital. , not likely milan , said sh’ is good with faces , migration patterns .

      1. In deference to our host, who is now, after all, published, I will not engage in cross talk here as I did at WIO. So please do not tempt me. Get thee behind me, Satan.

  5. no crossing , / migration patterns meaning of how we change,of face,body , with the land scaping over long periods of time ,said the drawing girl

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